Applied Behavior Analysis Therapy (ABA Therapy)
What Is ABA Therapy?
ABA (Applied Behavior Analysis) is a behavioral therapy often used for individuals with Autism. It is the ONLY scientifically proven effective treatment for children and adults with Autism, however, ABA Therapy is much broader and larger than that.
Goals that can be met with ABA Therapy
- Improved fine motor skills
- Increased attending behaviors
- Reduced tantrum/bad temper related behaviors
- Generalize skills across environments
- Successful homework completion
- Increased communication skills (verbal or nonverbal)
- Extinguished self-injurious behaviors (SIB's)
- Increased play behaviors with siblings
- Increasing compliance to adult directives
- Provide parent education in the area of behavior management
ABA is an umbrella term that covers many styles of teaching and reaching realistic goals.

Schedule an appointment to speak to one of our professional board certified behavior analyst's to see if ABA is the right fit for your needs.
Behavior analysis focuses on the principles that explain how learning takes place. Positive reinforcement is one such principle. When a behavior is followed by some sort of reward, the behavior is more likely to be repeated. Through decades of research, the field of behavior analysis has developed many techniques for increasing useful behaviors and reducing those that may cause harm or interfere with learning.
Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA) make individualized behavior plans for clients based on assessments.
At Kokoro Care Network, Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBA), Assistant Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCaBA) and Registered Behavior Technician’s (RBT) create a family-centered strategy as a team to work with your child/family in different types of needs and settings.
How Can Therapy Help Me?
Sometimes attending or seeking therapy or counseling may been perceived as a weakness in public eyes. I believe that therapy does not need to be the “taboo” place. Think as we have a safe place and private place to talk about anything whether you have issues or problems or not, WITHOUT any judgments!
Types of Therapy
Individual Therapy
Family Therapy
Couple Therapy
Child Therapy
At Kokoro Care Network, experienced therapists will provide you the secure space that you can be open about anything and anytime. Typical session is 45 or 60 minutes long and it is up to you how often you would like to come visit the safe place per week. We work with you with your needs and concerns one at the time.
Are you struggling to get by today? Are you a parent/caregiver of someone and are you feeling that burn out? Have you experienced loss and trauma in your life that are yet unresolved? Do you just want someone to listen and be there without judgement and opinions? Are you not sure what to do when life makes a sudden turn? We’re here for you.